The Nature of Our Trap and How the Truth Sets Us Free

When my spontaneous awakening happened and all this information was suddenly in my head, there was an immediate shift in my perspective of my life, my past, and the world around me. Within a few months, I’d become a dramatically different person living a dramatically different life. The only thing I was really doing differently was cultivating the ability to hear the voices of my higher self and Spirit and then trusting what I heard. What surprised me most was how easy it was and how rapidly it developed. I’d lived more than 40 years with high anxiety, hyper-vigilance, and frequent bouts of depression. All of that evaporated, not as a goal but as a by-product. That’s what convinced me that the messages I’d received were true: it came so naturally, unlike everything else I’d tried over the years.

Remembering who we are reveals to us a number of truths that relieve our burdens far more effectively than our distractions and manufactured excuses ever did. That’s the reason for applying what’s written on this site: it works extremely well despite how counter-intuitive the practices can be from the ego’s perspective. That’s the topic of this post: the outcomes of living in connection with Spirit and Higher Self. Rest assured, this way of life is not about denying ourselves pleasure or becoming moralistic. We simply become able to fill our lives with what pleases and thrills us most rather than guessing at what will do that (and being wrong). There are a lot of things we won’t be anymore – like selfish, suspicious, avaricious, deceitful, and petty – but not because we’re imposing an external set of morals, values, or expectations on ourselves. We simply stop being the things that we no longer feel the need to be, and the primary thing we stop being is fearful.

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The Significance of Ego/Shadow Self

You can find a short definition here: Terminology. As mentioned here, we’re all being pulled in two different directions by our human self and being (higher) self.  Both have the same goal – to feel happy and safe – but they have very different ideas about how to achieve this. The higher self knows exactly what will get us there. Unfortunately, the ego is a lot louder and more emphatic than the higher self and has biological wiring on its side. Every message from the ego comes stamped with “necessary for survival.” The higher self knows better so its messages rarely feel as urgent. The ego is panicked and reactive, whereas the higher self knows there’s never a reason to panic. This post covers the nature of the dynamic, how to shift it, and how the change will make our life better. 

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Technique: The Cast Party


Obtaining freedom from rumination on past wrongs (as victim or perpetrator)


One of the ego’s self-defeating methods of protection is to fixate on wrongs from the past, whether it was something we did to someone else or something that someone else did to us. Rumination is when we replay it over and over in our minds, along with all of our assumptions about it. Since it doesn’t lead to resolution or solutions, we’re really just pointlessly torturing ourselves. It’s a state of mind that lowers our vibration and contributes to attitudes and behaviors that brings more suffering into our lives. Even when we know all of this, it’s still very easy to get trapped in this state.

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