Technique: Connection with Higher Self

Cultivating a connection with your higher self and Spirit is fairly straightforward. First, learn the difference between your ego’s voice (fear) and the voice of your higher self and Spirit (love). I’ve written another entry that explains how to do that. As your discernment develops, you’ll be able to handle your thoughts appropriately and the voice of your higher self will grow progressively stronger and become the prevalent voice in your mind; you’ll be surprised how quickly that shift occurs and how much more peace and joy you experience as a result. Incorporating love and care for your ego is a big factor in how smoothly and quickly this process goes. When the ego is getting its needs genuinely met for the first time ever, it won’t have a reason to fight this shift.

Second, start a conversation with your higher self and Spirit and keep it going. Ask for what you need. Ask for help seeing the opportunities that are in alignment with your highest good and purpose. Ask for help with anything and everything. When you’re receptive to guidance, you’ll be given that in abundance. You’ll probably become aware of how often you were receiving guidance in the past that you didn’t recognize. The more engaged you are in that conversation and acting on the guidance you receive, the more easily life will flow. 

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Identifying Your and Spirit’s Voices

If you aren’t sure how to identify the voice that comes from Spirit and/or your higher self, the easiest way to tell is by evaluating the feelings that come with it. Messages from Spirit and your higher self will always come with a sense of peace. You may have a “what-if” response that causes you to feel fear and anxiety, but the message itself will never have those feelings attached to it. Messages from Spirit and our higher self always come with feelings of peace and well-being. Even if they guide us to be cautious about something, it will still come with a sense of peace and protection; their message will never be that we have something to fear. 

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Facing Ourselves: Misconceptions and Delightful Surprises

Our biggest hurdle in facing ourselves is our fear that it will make us feel awful about ourselves. We spend our lives using all kinds of methods to run from ourselves because we’re sure that facing the truth of everything we’ve done and has been done to us – and what those things must mean about who we are – will crush us with the badness of it. Once we remember and embrace who we are, that shifts and broadens our perspective. Our eyes are opened to the fact that we have nothing to fear about anything, including our past. If we face our fear of connecting to ourselves, we learn the very truth that reveals EVERY fear we have is of something that doesn’t genuinely exist.

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