Rainbow Aura Quartz (Crown Chakra) Messages

The Rainbow Aura Quartz Forum: a community to discuss feedback, interpretations, and experiences with this message set

Companion Video: This video shows all cards and includes audio for each one. You can use this video for reinforcement of messages (awake or while sleeping!)

Journal Prompts
Divine Messages

For all cards: Click on any card to open the full-size image. What stands out to you about the imagery and/or message? Ask Spirit if there’s anything particular they want you to notice and then observe if anything new stands out to you. Recording these reactions in writing is highly recommended, along with anything you experience that synchronizes with the cards or brings out new insights about the imagery and/or messages.

Main themes: 

  1. A time of significant spiritual transformation 
  2. Readiness for more advanced spirituality and expression of gifts
  3. The need to overcome some sort of internal block in order to move forward

Crystals/stones highlighted: rainbow aura quartz, sugilite, clear quartz, black tourmaline

Numbers highlighted: 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 18, 22, 29, 30, 40, 42, 53, 64, 69

Overall numeric energy: 2 + 4 + 5 + 6 + (3) + (4) + (9) + 22 + (11) + (3) + (4) + (6) + (8) + (1 + 0) + (1 + 5) = 94

Angel Number 94: Your angels’ messages are coming through your intuition at this time. Trust what you feel. ~from “Angel Numbers” by Kyle Gray

(9 + 4) = (1 + 3) = 4: Represents the form-based world we live in. It stands for Earth and the physical/material world. It also represents foundation and structure. ~from “Sacred Geometry Activations” guidebook
In tarot: Foundations, discipline, work, order, stability, solidity, tangible achievement, practical attainment; things previously imagined and planned for at the 3 level begin to manifest; your foundations are stable and solid. ~from “Power Tarot” by Trish MacGregor and Phyllis Vega

Chakra Wisdom
by Tori Hartman

Creation (She Shaman): I will guide you to your muse.

A story: In a time before history, She Shaman walks the earth, bestowing artistic talents on a select few. One day she rests under a birch tree. “Hey!” says Birch. “I want my muse, too!” Birch entertains She Shaman for a long time, singing and telling tales. She Shaman smiles. “My great friend, you have had your art all along.” She vows that from then on, she will give everyone their own gift. To this day, She Shaman has never left us; we see her inside every creative work.

Insight: Letting go of old ideas and allowing new growth are primary now. The mission you have been on may be complete. A new dawn is coming and it is time to open yourself to divine inspiration. The message here is: let go – you no longer need to be the warrior.

Inspiration: Your path is an artistic one. Express your love in a tangible art form. It is time to make decisions.

Personal Inquiry: Am I waiting for someone’s permission to create my life? What do I need to see in order to claim my own gifts? My responses to the following ideas: opening to magic, lasting transformation, divine feminine/yin energy, awakening creativity, finding your muse, owning your gifts, creativity.

Meditation: Open a notebook to a clean page. Close your eyes and imagine She Shaman standing in the mist, holding out her hand. Follow her into the mist. As you walk, she motions to sit. Ask for her guidance. Pick up your notebook and write. Simply write whatever comes. Do not censor or judge the words. They may mean nothing right now, but they will. Thank She Shaman for her visit.

Chakra Reading Cards
by Rachelle Charman

29: Spiritual Awakening

       Listen to card description:

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This card promises guidance during a challenging time you are experiencing. If there are specific angels or ascended masters with which you resonate, look to their wisdom for guidance in resolving a current conflict or apparent impasse.

  Are you currently undergoing a challenge that this message might be referring to when it speaks of a big connection to your spiritual growth? How do you feel about the idea of the restructuring this message describes? Is there anything that’s hindering your process that you feel you need to let go of?

Make sure to nurture this process by meditating, attending a weekly spiritual group, or reading books that can assist in this powerful process.

Affirmation: I embody my ancient wisdom and I am open to the Divine Spirit within.

Crystal Power Tarot
by Jayne Wallace

Two of Swords

A pause in activity, procrastination. This Two can show you feeling caught between two people or two paths, and the indecision leaves you feeling stuck and depleted. You may feel that neither route is clear nor ideal.

However, there is a time for action; otherwise, the issue becomes greater than it deserves to be as you ponder each potential outcome or avoid making a decision altogether.

An additional meaning of the card is a truce, or taking time out during a period of stress or conflict.

Is there something preventing you from moving forward with your spiritual growth? This could be something you need to let go of but don’t feel ready to release. It could also be that you recognize that moving forward will require you to do something you feel fearful or uncertain about, like shadow work. Consider the guidance throughout this message set. If you fear shadow work, read about the OBA approach, which may help to ease your fear.

Affirmation: Whatever I decide, I trust in the outcome.


Wild Unknown Alchemy
by Kim Krans

LXIV (64): Calcification

       Listen to card description:

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Keywords: heat, fire, desire

Fire has been used in rituals across all cultures, religions, and eras. Honor the element of fire today in a literal or metaphorical way.

The Divine flame resides within and it is yours to tend to. That said, doing so patiently and with support will lead to change that is holy rather than hasty.

Watch Alfred Hitchcock’s movie “The Birds”

  Would you say that this message represents something that supporting you toward greater spiritual development or something that’s holding you back from it, such as far of what’s described here?

  I commit to my spiritual growth. I am willing to sit through the discomfort as my old patterns fall to ashes and my newly transformed self emerges from the fire.

Quantum Human Design
by Karen Curry Parker

Gate 4: Possibility


  • To learn to embrace ideas as possibilities, not answers, and to let the power of the possibilities stimulate the imagination as a way of calibrating the emotions and the Heart
  • To not be doubtful if the idea isn’t manifesting immediately
  • To not turn doubt inward if you can’t figure out how to make this idea a reality
  • This gate teaches us the power of learning to wait and see which possibility actually manifests in the physical world and to experiment with options and response.


  • The ability to experience an idea as a possibility, to learn to use the idea as a “seed” for the imagination, and to use the imagination to create an emotional response which then calibrates the Heart and attracts experiences and opportunities that match the possibility into your life.

Expression when unbalanced:

  • Self-doubt and fear that you have an idea that you can’t figure out
  • The pressure to try to share or implement the idea before it has time to “seed” the manifestation
  • Acting too soon without waiting for the right timing

I am tuned in to the cosmic flow possibility. I am inspired about exploring new possibilities and potentials. I use the power of my thoughts to stretch the limits of what is known and engage my imagination to explore the potential of the unknown.

  Resiliency Keys and Further Contemplations:

  • What needs to be healed, released, aligned, and brought to my awareness for me to trust myself in my inner knowing? To make clear and strong choices?
  • What ideas do I have right now that need me to nurture and activate them?
  • What possibilities do these ideas stimulate right now? Take some time to right or visualize these possibilities.
  • Am I comfortable with waiting? What can I do to increase my patience and curiosity?

Light Seer’s Tarot
by Chris-Anne

Shadow Work: 5 of Swords

       Listen to card description:

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Light aspects: conflict, acknowledging an unfair advantage, experiencing loss, the need to build your skills and your confidence, recognizing hollow victories, a willingness to admit that you want change, realizing that the ability to recognize faults is actually a huge strenth

Shadow aspects: deceitful strategies and feeling guilty about your win, resentment, there are no winners (lose-lose outcomes), self-defeating choices

While using this message set, observe how light or shadow aspects manifest for you. If you notice the shadow aspects coming up, provide love and reassurance to your ego. Use the affirmation below to help shift your perspective to the light aspects.

  Affirmation: The lessons move me ahead, always.

  Record your experiences with expression of light and/or shadow aspects and with using the affirmation and loving your ego for shifting toward light aspects. What outcomes and/or changes do you observe in yourself and the world around you? 

When My Soul Whispered
by Melissa Selvaggio

Shadow Work: Journey

       Listen to card description:

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The ouroboros depicts a serpent devouring its tail, representing the infinite passage of time and the cyclical nature of life. Each new chapter reminds you that no journey has ever truly ended, but is simply the turning of another page.

I’m scared of failure all the time, but I’m not scared enough to stop trying.”
                                                                                      ~Ronda Rousey

Light aspects: infinite, unbounded, persist, persevere

Shadow aspects: failure, end, stop, conclude

While using this message set, observe how light or shadow aspects manifest for you. If you notice the shadow aspects coming up, provide love and reassurance to your ego. Use the affirmation below to help shift your perspective to the light aspects.

  Affirmation: I understand that failure is not an ending but simply an opportunity for growth.

  Record your experiences with expression of light and/or shadow aspects and with using the affirmation and loving your ego for shifting toward light aspects. What outcomes and/or changes do you observe in yourself and the world around you?

Unshakable Inner Peace
by Shannon Kaiser

18: Your purpose is personal expansion.

       Listen to card description:

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  Divine Assignment: Instead of focusing on what you should do, allow yourself to do what you truly want. Be unapologetic about your desires and live a life that feels good from the inside out. Make choices that align with your values, and your true self will flourish. You’ve drawn this card as a reminder that your life is perfect as it is, right in this moment, and you are a perfect expression within your life. As you dive deeper into living more intentionally, all of your experiences become richer and more rewarding. You can stop second-guessing yourself and step into your personal power by aligning with your intentions.

How can I be more intentional with my choices and live with more purpose?

Power of Surrender
by Judith Orloff, MD

Surrender to Wonder and Awe


  Open to the magic of every moment and sense the awe and wonder in all of life. This attitude will keep you connected to the ecstasy of flow.


Osho Zen Tarot
by Osho and Ma Deva Padma

Page of Water: Understanding

       Listen to card description:

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  If the Two of Swords above indicates the bars seen here, how can this message (along with others in the set) help to free you?

  The cage has always been open, and I am free to spread my wings and explore.

Quantum Tarot
by Lo Scarabeo

XII (12): The Hanged Man – The Uncertainty Principle

The Hanged Man asks you to sacrifice your old ways of looking at the world to gain a greater vision.

The development of the uncertainty principle in the late 1920s was a key moment in the evolution of quantum theory. German physicist Werner Heisenberg realized that it was impossible to know the exact position of a subatomic particle and its momentum at the same time with total accuracy. This is because subatomic particles exhibit both wave- and particle-like behavior, and so cannot be completely defined as either. Heisenberg found a way of stating the problem mathematically, combining Planck’s constant and the inexact science of probability.

The uncertainty principle, like the Hanged Man, turns everything upside down. Physicists in the early 20th century, trained to think in terms of precision and exactitude, were understandably resistant to the idea that at a fundamental level, the stuff of our universe is imprecise and inexact. The Hanged Man card represents the state of existential confusion where our old ways of thinking and being no longer work. The image of a man dangling (apparently willingly) from his ankle is a resonant and complex one. The essential message is that something must be freely relinquished to attain a greater purpose. It symbolizes the difficult moment when the old has been sacrificed but the new has yet to be born.

What are you getting hung up on? Is this related to the 2 of Swords?  Compare this message to that of “Spiritual Awakening.” Consider the possibility that whatever is challenging in your present situation, the process of overcoming that challenge is exactly what creates the significant spiritual growth that you’re ready for. 

Sacred Destiny
by Denise Linn

Flow: Meandering River

       Listen to card description:

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  Divine and Spirit want you to know: There are times to hold on tight to the shore, and there are times to enter the flow. Notice where life is going in move in that direction. Watch for signs and follow them. Don’t resist. When you go with the flow, your life force expands and healing on all levels abounds. This is also the time to release old, limiting patterns, forgive, and let go of the need to be right about your beliefs. If you aren’t feeling the smooth currents of life, it might mean that you’re being self-critical or judgmental. When you enter the flow with gratitude and love, you will find blessings surrounding you. You will enter into a state of grace, and healing will abound.

  Consider the 2 and 5 of Swords as the shore and “Spiritual Awakening,” “Creation,” and “Page of Water” as messages about being in the flow. The Hanged Man is where we are until we decide to release ourselves to the current. 

  Affirmation: I enter the flow with gratitude and love for the blessings that surround me and the healing that abounds.

Starry Beginnings
by Cassi White

6: Remember, love is the key

       Listen to card description:

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Consider this message as guidance for moving forward, given the other messages in this set.

  Affirmation: I love all the blessings I have in my life right now.

by Lucy Cavendish

42: Shadow Dancer

       Listen to card description:

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  How do I resonate with this energy at this time? Which aspects of the message speak to me? Does hearing it cause an initial reaction of excitement and acceptance or of fear and resistance? 

I engage in self-discovery with deep love and acceptance for myself.

Soul’s Journey, by James Van Praagh


       Listen to card description:

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  How are my relationships a factor in letting go and/or moving forward? What insight or guidance does this message give me about the current situation?

  I am attracted to those people who serve my higher good.

Spirit Animal
by Colette Baron Reid

40: Mouse Spirit – Tend to the small things.

       Listen to card description:

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  Consider if there are any small things you might have missed that play a more important part than you realized. If you’ve been very focused on one area of your life, put your attention on other areas when looking for what you might have missed. Ask Spirit to help you see what you need to see. You may also find pointers for this in other messages in this set. If there’s anything you read or hear and your first reaction is dismissive because you think it doesn’t apply, reconsider and ask Spirit if it represents something you’ve missed. Then follow your intuition.

Chakra Love
by Katie Manekshaw

Peace: In stillness the answer will be revealed.

Mother of Tears: Sometimes, the best of life opens only once we’ve let ourselves shed countless tears. So let go and breathe, slowly but surely. Black tourmaline will grant you protection and support. Carry one in secret and place one at your front door.

Lovers Oracle
by Toni Carmine Salerno

Emotions are a natural and necessary part of life, but they can also distort your perception and cloud your vision. In order to see things clearly, you must let go of resentment.

Star Seeds
by Nari Anastarsia

Channel: You are a channel through which healing energy reaches the world.
Observation: Expand your consciousness by observing the divine matrix of life.

Fortune Cookies
by Sharina Star

Reinvent your self: A transformation is taking place. Enjoy a new lease of life.

Flower Petals
by Cheralyn Darcey

Lily of the Valley: Happiness is found with your purpose.

Reconnect to Mother Nature’s world of plenty and you shall receive a myriad of miracles.

Words of Jesus

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”

My observation: I love the way the biblical scripture cards are so often synchronistic with the other messages. This was one card that I’d read and thought, “I don’t know how this would fit with a message set.” Then it came out for this set. Consider this message with the ouroboros on the Journey card above. I love these small ways that Spirit consistently answers even my smallest questions.

  Consider the many synchronicities these “mini messages” have with each other and the other cards in this set, above and below. Do you feel like clear guidance is taking shape for you to overcome any “stuck” energy you are experiencing? Why or why not? 

Meditation: When you give, the flow of life never runs dry. Wholeness can afford to be generous. It feels no lack. [Flow card, above]

Meditations and Affirmations
by Deepak Chopra, MD

Affirmation: The more I give, the more will come to me.

Journey of Love
by Alana Fairchild
by Alana Fairchild

Advanced Practice: Light

69: Contemplation

       Listen to card description:

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Patterns break through the night
In beams of light awakening
Memories of walking on sand
Moments, waves replace
Waiting for another passerby

Reflections, time to look outward in
To find those hidden spaces
Residing alone
Waiting for a twin soul,
Waiting for myself

~Richard Cohn

26: Whirling Goddess

       Listen to card description:

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Lose your head!
Not a single thread that has a head
can go through the eye of the needle.

Come, my love, are you dizzy yet? If you can still find your feet than that is okay with me, but if you can still find your head then I will take issue! There is a great dance, but it cannot be danced with choreographed steps. No, this great dance demands a response rather than an initiation, a reaction rather than a direction. So let us dissemble and lose our heads to the great music, the rhythm held steady in our beating hearts. Our feet shall be moving while our minds, inadequate to the task, take the night off.

  What is this message asking of you? What is this message offering you? How do these things fit in with the rest of the cards in your life right now?

  The Honoring Ritual:

Say aloud:

“I give my heart permission to lead this dance. I give my mind some time off – no more worry or doubt, planning or resisting. Instead, I surrender. Instead, I open. Instead, I allow, I allow, I allow. And all unfolds with perfection, Divine timing, and the miracle of grace. With Rumi as my soul witness, so be it.”

You have completed your honoring ritual.

Blind Spot
by Teal Swan

Advanced Practice: Shadow

53: Identification

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The image, as explained by the guidebook: The artwork was originally painted by hand by Teal Swan while deep in trance states. Each card acts as a berth for a specific Sigil. The difference between a symbol and a Sigil is that a Sigil is not representing anything. Instead, the Sigil itself is like a body for a specific essence, entity, or Spirit. Each Sigil has the capacity to influence you (like a teacher or guide) and make you aware relative to the specific blind spot it has chosen to be assigned to. You are asked to invite the special essence of the Sigil into your life in order to help you.

  Consider this message in the context of all the messages in this set. Does it possibly add a missing element? Does the guidance and encouragement in these messages help you feel more empowered to recognize what you need to release? Accepting your ego’s fears with love may also help you move forward.