about me

Amber Dawn, PhD

Metaphysician, Spiritual Counselor, Incarnation Coach, and Ordained Interfaith Minister

“Amber Dawn” – my mom chose my first name while reading Ezekiel 1:4: “I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.” She chose my middle name because I was a new beginning in her life.

My name may or may not have been a bit of prophecy on her part, given that it exemplifies the Channel of Innovation, which is the foundation half of my incarnation cross (life purpose): the ability to identify and preserve what’s valuable from the past (amber), expand on it, and bring about transformation, creating a new and brighter future (dawn).

The outward expression half of my purpose includes the Gate of Nurturing (intuition to know what others need to bring them into greater alignment with love, ability to teach and share to increase the wellbeing of others, and the wisdom to nurture myself so I have more to give others) and the Gate of Faith (ability to hold the vision and energetic frequency for creation and to trust in sufficiency so profoundly that I’m able to create without limitation).

BA, Psychology
MS, Molecular Neurobiology
PhD, Metaphysics
PhD, Spiritual Counseling
Certified Level 4 Quantum Human Design™ Specialist with advanced certifications in Life Cycle Analysis and Relationship & Family Analysis

Life Path 11
Sun in Libra, Moon in Pisces, Sagittarius Rising
3/5 Alchemist (Explorer/Visionary Leader)

Any personal services provided include confidentiality protected by clergy privilege laws

Natal QHD Map 

