(Click here to jump to the messages)
Choosing one of the photos below will take you to a set of what I like to call “letters from Spirit.” When I was growing up, I had a daily practice using devotionals. I found it extremely beneficial but as my faith grew, I found myself wishing for something that had the same structure but with content that wasn’t limited to the Bible and traditional Christian authors. I felt inspired to create interfaith devotionals, and the creation of these message sets flowed out of that intention.
Some decks I’ve felt led to include in every set. Other decks vary across sets and are chosen with Spirit’s guidance. The decks are shuffled and cards pulled with Spirit’s guidance. I don’t “engineer” these sets (i.e., look at cards and choose the ones that I think go together), primarily because Spirit knows far better than I do what will be needed by those who will someday be selecting these. Also, following Spirit’s guidance is what makes the creation of these sets an experience that reinforces my own faith. I love seeing the synchronicities that come up. Receiving inspiration for how to present the sets always gives me new things to think about for my own spiritual development.
These sets are not intended to be predictive, although sometimes Spirit may incorporate some predictive aspects (e.g., giving you a message that you’ll need in the near future before you know that you’ll need it). The intention of these sets is to give you a springboard for creating a dialogue. They’re a tool I use for myself that I find interesting, fun, and very inspiring. The synchronicities that occur and how supported I feel have contributed a great deal to my faith and continue to do so. I’m hoping that creating sets for others will provide you with the same benefits without requiring you to invest more than time, willingness, and a bit of faith.
The act of using your intuition to select a set of cards is the first step in asking for and receiving guidance. There’s a photo of each card showing its message. In cases where the guidebook’s description for a card is required to have its full meaning, I’ll read it aloud and include a link to the audio file. I’ll include some written descriptions and/or additional information, depending on the card. I’ve also created videos with audio recorded for each card that you can use to reinforce the messages of the set you’re using. Finally, each set also has a dedicated area in the OBA forum where you can discuss interpretations and experiences with others. Remember to use that resource in a way that positively impacts your journey. Each of us has a unique journey that is perfectly designed to meet our individual needs and purpose; don’t let comparison be the thief of your joy!
The goal of these sets is to support you as you develop confidence in your ability to hear the voice of your own higher self and receive guidance from Spirit. Read and listen to the messages in their entirety as time allows. Write down what stands out to you. Review the messages each morning (your summaries or the companion video) and ask Spirit to show you how to apply them that day. Then keep your eyes and heart open. You will be amazed by what you discover when you’re consciously looking for the active presence of Spirit in your life. Each evening, journal about anything relevant you experienced and any ways in which the messages applied to your day. Keeping a record of these things not only reinforces their strengthening effect on your faith but gives you something to look back on if there are days when you struggle emotionally or spiritually.
The sets are loosely chakra-themed, so you can also use that factor when choosing (where you feel you want or need to place your focus). If you aren’t familiar with chakras, you can just think of them as aspects of self and/or spiritual development, and the label for each set will include a description of its chakra. What the sets have in common: something relevant to the associated chakra, something relevant to being present, something to surrender, some aspect of shadow/ego to pay attention to (and how to address it), affirmations, and optional cards for more advanced/deeper spiritual practice (light and shadow). Each set will also include an assortment of additional decks/cards unique to the set.
Once you’ve chosen a set, if you read it and it just doesn’t feel right to you, feel free to choose another. The main goal here is for you to develop your intuition because that reflects your connection to Spirit and your higher self. When you’re sure of the set you want to use, keep using it as long as it feels right. Then you can come back and choose another. You can use a different one each day if you like. You can use all of a set or just some of it. You’re encouraged to use the sets in any way that works for you, even if it’s not described here. There are no rules. I’ve provided suggestions for those who aren’t sure how to proceed, but the guidance you receive from Spirit and your higher self should always take precedence over anything I’ve written. If you aren’t sure how to recognize that guidance, I’ve written a post about that.
I’ll also be expanding into other themes to use for choosing message sets that are more situationally specific. Feel free to submit any ideas you have for framing message sets. Just keep in mind that I create according to inspiration from Spirit. If I don’t use an idea you’ve submitted right away, it may not be the right time for Spirit to use that but it’s always possible that I’ll receive inspiration for it in the future.
I hope you all find this useful and if you’d like to submit any ideas, suggestions, or feedback, you’re welcome to email me.
If you want to know more about a deck I’ve used here, they can all be found on the Other Resources page.
Root Chakra Messages: grounding, foundations, identity, instincts, stability, security, family/home, balance, boundaries, material needs, money, vitality, physical well-being, holistic health
Sacral Chakra Messages: emotions, emotional discipline, inspiration, creativity, relationships, community/tribe, desires, addiction, karmic patterns, sexuality/sensuality, pleasure, passion, self-acceptance, gratitude
Solar Plexus Chakra Messages: intellect, wisdom, personal power, inner strength, self-mastery, determination, empowerment, confidence, self-discipline, free will, self-esteem, courage
Heart Chakra Messages: divine love, harmony, healing, growth, inner child, love in all forms, forgiveness, play, acceptance, nurturing, intimacy, joy & laughter, balance, giving & receiving, gratitude, inner peace
Throat Chakra Messages: communication, truth, expression, listening, life purpose, alignment with higher self, finding our voice, creativity
3rd Eye Chakra Messages: seeing the unseen, guidance, intuition, integrity, spirituality, meditation, dreams, psychic development, visualization, clarity, awareness, insight, calm mind, awakened imagination
Crown Chakra Messages: enlightenment, consciousness, spiritual awakening, “I am” presence, peace, clarity, union with higher self, connection with Spirit and God, divine knowledge & wisdom, bliss, oneness & wholeness, enhanced ability to learn, lightness of being
Messages for this Stage of Your Journey: Each set describes an aspect of Self most prominent for the stage, circumstances of the stage, the aspect of Self that will emerge as the outcome, and messages to offer guidance for that stage. The messages are likely to be useful for you at any time that the stage’s description fits your present life situation.
Alchemical Stages – coming soon