Citrine (Solar Plexus Chakra) Messages

The Citrine Forum: a community to discuss feedback, interpretations, and experiences with this message set

Companion Video: This video shows all cards and includes audio for each one. You can use this video for reinforcement of messages (awake or while sleeping!)

Journal Prompts
Divine Messages

For all cards: Click on any card to open the full-size image. What stands out to you about the imagery and/or message? Ask Spirit if there’s anything particular they want you to notice and then observe if anything new stands out to you. Recording these reactions in writing is highly recommended, along with anything you experience that synchronizes with the cards or brings out new insights about the imagery and/or messages.

Main themes: 

  1. Cultivating abundance by generating the energy of gratitude
  2. True power comes from love and higher Self
  3. Empowerment through self-regulation, finding the value in challenges, and processing through the pain from hurtful experiences
  4. Self-empowerment through controlling what you can and releasing the rest

Crystals/stones highlighted: citrine, aquamarine, lapis lazuli

Numbers highlighted: 1, 3, 3, 3, 8, 9, 9, 9, 13, 13, 21, 23, 25, 26, 38, 44

Overall numeric energy: 1 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 8 + 9 + 9 + 9 + (4) + (4) + (3) + (5) + (7) + (8) + (11) + 44 = 131

Angel Number 131: Saints and holy masters are with you at this time. They can see that you have a real capacity to help the world heal and be embraced by light. ~from “Angel Numbers” by Kyle Gray

(1 + 3 + 1) = 5: Stands for change. It is associated with new experiences and freedom. ~from “Sacred Geometry Activations” guidebook
In tarot: New cycle, change, progress, shifts, adjustment, fine tuning, instability, challenge, versatility, freedom, courage; a need for change is indicated; adjust and fine-tune all that has manifested at the 4 level; expect uncertainty but know that it, too, shall pass. ~from “Power Tarot” by Trish MacGregor and Phyllis Vega


Chakra Wisdom
by Tori Hartman

Abundance (Gold Coins): I only seek to give you what you ask for.

A Story: Inside a magical treasure chest, gold coins swap stories. One coin tells how a man foolishly dropped her down a drain, then cried instead of trying to get her out. Later, an enterprising little girl used string and chewing gum to fish her out. The coins remember how this girl saved them, along with many others, and eventually bought a house. As all coins desire to be well spent, they agree that she was indeed a wise person.

Insight: Gold represents the power of the mind to choose. One choice may be wise; the other, foolish. Choosing well may involve temporary sacrifice in order to gain your desires. Remember that you can always make a new choice.

Inspiration: Think about your relationship with money.  Are you the wise girl or the foolhardy man? Money is naturally attracted toward appreciation and gratitude.

Personal Inquiry: Have I used my financial situation as an excuse to avoid doing something? Are my thoughts and actions around money empowering or disempowering me? My responses to the following ideas: abundance through gratitude, releasing regret, being good with money, friendship, wisdom, windfall.

Meditation: Place some money before you. Pick it up. Have you thought about how many souls have touched it before it came to you? Feel its energy. The value we derive from money is the exchange of energy. Imagine this money transforming into your desire. Be aware of your improved relationship with money.

Chakra Reading Cards
by Rachelle Charman

13: Personal Power 

       Listen to card description:

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Consider self-empowerment as an act of love and how you could apply this in your own life and life situation.

Affirmation: I am empowered.

Crystal Power Tarot
by Jayne Wallace

Nine of Cups

Wishes granted; a wish or dream come true is the meaning of this happy Nine. You can manifest what you desire, whether this is love, friendship, wealth, security, work, or creative opportunities.

When you receive what you want and need, you are generous with others, sharing your good luck; your optimism and positive attitude raise others up. You see how life flows, and appreciate what you have.

An additional meaning of the card is being the host.

In what ways does this message ring true for you? If there are ways in which you feel your life doesn’t yet reflect this card, imagine/describe what those aspects of your life will look like for you when they do manifest 9 of Cups energy.

Affirmation: I trust in the flow of life.


Wild Unknown Alchemy
by Kim Krans

XLIV (44): The New Pearl

       Listen to card description:

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Keywords: grit, irritation, waiting

  Read “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck

  The pearl is made from only one grain of sand – one irritant. Take a moment to thank this irritant for being so consistently challenging, allowing the pearl to form.

  Record how these actions make you feel or anything you experience that you feel is connected. If you’ve been struggling with a consciousness of lack, has there been any shift in that perspective? Consider the messages for this card in conjunction with The Pearl Threaded (below).

  The Work is underway but the gem has not yet formed. The entire ocean is my ally.

Quantum Human Design
by Karen Curry Parker

Gate 21: Self-regulation


  • To learn to let go
  • To master self-regulation
  • To release the need to control others and circumstances
  • To trust in the Divine and to know that you are supported
  • Knowing that you are worthy of support and you don’t have to overcompensate


  • The ability to regulate your inner and outer environment in order to sustain a vibrational frequency that reflects your true value
  • The ability to be self-generous and to set boundaries that maintain your value and support you in being sustainable in the world
  • To take the actions necessary to honor your unique role in the Divine plan 

Expression when unbalanced:

  • Feeling the need to control life, others, resources, etc. out of fear that you aren’t worthy of being supported

  I am worthy of claiming, protecting, and defending my right place in the world. I create an inner and outer environment that is self-generous and I regulate my environment to sustain a high frequency of alignment with my true value. I know that I am an irreplaceable and precious part of the Divine plan and I create my life to reflect the importance of my right place in the world.

  Resiliency Keys and Further Contemplations:

  • What needs to be healed, released, aligned, and brought to my awareness for me to fully acknowledge and embrace my true value? To prevent or heal from burnout? To feel powerful in this situation?
  • Where do I need to release control in my life?
  • Do I trust the Universe/Divine/Spirit?
  • Do I value myself? Do I trust that I’ll be supported in accordance with my value? 
  • What do I need to do to create an internal and external environment of self-generosity?

Light Seer’s Tarot
by Chris-Anne

Shadow Work: Queen of Cups

       Listen to card description:

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Light aspects: extremely intuitive, a highly attuned emotional intelligence, love and compassion, sensitivity, strength, empathy, leading with your heart, healing

Shadow Aspects: controlling or suppressing emotions, feeling insecure, a need to listen more, irrationality, emotional blackmail, being melodramatic, an opportunity to be responsible for your own emotions

While using this message set, observe how light or shadow aspects manifest for you. If you notice the shadow aspects coming up, provide love and reassurance to your ego. Use the affirmation below to help shift your perspective to the light aspects.

  Affirmation: My intuitive heart openly expresses deep love.

  Record your experiences with expression of light and/or shadow aspects and with using the affirmation and loving your ego for shifting toward light aspects. What outcomes and/or changes do you observe in yourself and the world around you?

When My Soul Whispered
by Melissa Selvaggio

Shadow Work: Transcend

       Listen to card description:

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The dreamcatcher has been traditionally used as a talisman to trap bad dreams as people slept. It is time to ensnare your limiting thoughts and beliefs and allow yourself to transcend your current vantage point.

I believe purpose is something for which one is responsible; it’s not just divinely assigned.
                                                                                      ~Michael J. Fox

Light aspects: exceed, surpass, expand, move beyond

Shadow aspects: stagnation, remain, stuck, unmoving

While using this message set, observe how light or shadow aspects manifest for you. If you notice the shadow aspects coming up, provide love and reassurance to your ego. Use the affirmation below to help shift your perspective to the light aspects.

  Affirmation: I know that with each new breath I take, I am being given the opportunity to move beyond my current vantage point.

  Record your experiences with expression of light and/or shadow aspects and with using the affirmation and loving your ego for shifting toward light aspects. What outcomes and/or changes do you observe in yourself and the world around you?

Unshakable Inner Peace
by Shannon Kaiser

3: You cannot make a mistake. There are infinite possibilities available to you.

       Listen to card description:

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  Divine Assignment: Instead of being overwhelmed by the unknown possibilities, lean into excitement. You deserve all the good fortune coming to you. You’ve done the healing and releasing necessary to embrace this new phase of your life. Accept your calling and step into your future with hope, fascination, peace, and awe. Keep trusting your instincts and know that your heart is your compass. When you listen to it, you will never go astray.

Where is my heart guiding me?

Power of Surrender
by Judith Orloff, MD

Surrender the Habit of People-Pleasing


  Speak your needs and be true to yourself.  Focus on your own happiness instead of always trying to make everyone else happy.


Osho Zen Tarot
by Osho and Ma Deva Padma

IX (9): Aloneness

       Listen to card description:

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  Reflect on your experiences with loneliness vs. aloneness. If you have plenty of companionship in your life, consider whether you would benefit from some alone-time to deepen your connection with Spirit. Consider these ideas in the context of the “Self-Regulation” card above.

Quantum Tarot
by Lo Scarabeo

3 of Swords: Red Dwarf

The second photo: I was trying to capture in a photo the fact that the little heart at the center is embossed. I didn’t achieve the image I was trying for but felt led to include what I did get. It reminds me of the Leonard Cohen lyric, “There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”

The 3 of Swords is the card of heartbreak, bringing an awareness of where and how you are hurting.

A red dwarf is a star’s equivalent of the runt of the litter. About half the size of our sun and neither big nor powerful enough to shine brightly, it’s easily outdone by larger companions in the night sky. Here, the synthesis of the threes is expressed as pain and hurt. Someone has plunged a knife into your heart. The 3 of Swords shows us that we need to become conscious of our wounds and allow the pain to work itself out.

  What painful emotions do you need to acknowledge? Consider this in the context of the “Self-Regulation,” “Queen of Cups” shadow work, and “Aloneness” cards above.

Soul Coaching
by Denise Linn


       Listen to card description:

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Theme: Restrictions Concerning Money

  Divine and Spirit want you to know: Peel away everything that isn’t truly you and let your essence shine. If you’ve ever watched a cut crystal hanging in a window in the sun, you’ll remember seeing small rainbows around the room – yet they all emanate from the same source. You have different parts that comprise your identity, yet beneath it all is your spiritual core. Take time to find your source and live life from your center. If something doesn’t give you joy, don’t do it (or find a way to make it more pleasurable). Don’t try to expand your personal power and intent without first exploring and understanding the wisdom of your Soul.

  Affirmation: In my essence, I am joy!

Energy Oracle
by Sandra Anne Taylor

13: Financial Constraints

       Listen to card description:

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Theme: Restrictions Concerning Money

  This card describes the natural financial cycles we experience in life. How does the energy of this card and its various aspects resonate with you? Explore the idea of feeling abundant independent of financial cycles.

  Affirmation: I can move through any cycle with dignity and awareness. I am open to receiving increasing wealth. Money moves to and through my life, bringing benefits to all.

Wisdom of the Oracle
by Colette Baron-Reid

26: Happy, Happy

       Listen to card description:

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Essential meanings: Joy and contentment, a sense of fulfillment, a feeling that all is well

  Which messages resonated with you?

  Spirit wants to sparkle through me today.

Quantum Oracle
by Sandra Anne Taylor

1 of Spirit: the Vast Universe

       Listen to card description:

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Theme: Blessings of Divine Consciousness

  Consider this message of comfort and power in light of any of the more challenging cards above.

  Affirmation: The light of God fills me. Divine Consciousness guides me. Abundant blessings of the Universe flow into my life.


       Listen to card description:

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Inner beauty, compassion, assimilator of anything

When in balance: confident, kind

When out of balance: can’t “digest” situations

To bring into balance: meditation

What aspects of the Peacock personality traits do you see in yourself? Do they feel in balance or out of balance? How can you balance this energy as part of the theme of self-empowerment?


Chakra Love
by Katie Manekshaw

Abundance: The world is abundant when you choose to see it that way.

Three of Cups: A toast to friendship in the afternoon sun. Three cups in happiness, three cheers are done. * Celebration is near *

Lovers Oracle
by Toni Carmine Salerno

Reflection: Give each other some space at the moment. Trust and have faith that all will work out for the best.

Surrender yourself to the flow of life and see how you can influence your future. Keep moving forward and your life’s purpose will manifest.

Fortune Cookies
by Sharina Star

Sunshine: The sun is shining on you, career and business growth, fabulous communication in relationships.

Divine Directions
by Jade-Sky

Home: It’s time to renovate or change something in your home environment, or move home.

Star Light
by Jessica Le

Control: Link your own constellations and take control.

Words of Jesus

“Anything is possible if a person believes.”

In what ways do these “mini messages” tie together for you or apply to your life situation? How do they fit with any of the cards above for you?

Meditation: You were made for creativity.

Meditations and Affirmations
by Deepak Chopra, MD

Affirmation: I will imagine five things I could do that no one would ever expect – and then I will do at least one of them.

Journey of Love
by Alana Fairchild
Crystal Mandala
by Alana Fairchild

Advanced Practice: Light

38: The Pearl Threaded

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Hearts apart remember love
And time stands still

~ Richard Cohn

8: The Vision (Archangel Michael & Lapis Lazuli)

       Listen to card description:

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We bring you the gift of vision, an inspirational insight from which you shall derive energy, motivation, and a sense of purpose. You have many abilities and the capacity to do numerous things with your talent, time, and energy. We know your heart yearns for meaningful, focused purpose. You have things you want to accomplish, perhaps so many that at times you may feel as though you are attempting to live more than one life in this lifetime. We know you can benefit from a vision, something that integrates all you want to do into one unifying purpose. Even if you do not see how it is possible for all your talents and dreams to be woven into one master vision, we know that love makes all things possible, according to its own creative intelligence and wisdom. The Universe shall take care of the details, and from the loving universal mind, in accordance with divine timing and your own readiness, we shall gift you wish your vision.

  If you have had a vision like the one described, write it down for yourself. If not, describe the kind of vision you would like to receive.

  Reflect on the vision you have received or would like to receive. 

  The Healing Process:

(You can replace any of the entities addressed in these prayers with the terms that are the most meaningful to you.)

To integrate this guidance, you may like to say this invocation now:

“I call upon the Crystal Angel of Lapis Lazuli and Archangel Michael who love me unconditionally. Thank you for the divine healing gift of vision. I open my heart and mind to the divine love that bestows all vision. I cast aside doubt and fear, limitation and expectation. I open my mind with absolute trust to receive the vision of my divine life purpose. According to the divine compassion, mercy, and grace, and through my own free will, so be it.”

If you wish to further integrate this guidance, print out the image of the oracle card and hold it with your right hand with the mandala image facing towards you and resting at your third eye chakra (at your forehead, slightly above the point between the eyebrows). Place your left hand lightly at the back of your head. Rest and breathe in and out several times. Then swap positions – with the mandala image facing inwards, held in your right hand still but placed on the back of your head, with your left hand resting lightly at your forehead. Relax and breathe in and out several times.

Now hold the card with your left hand, with the mandala image facing inwards and resting on your heart chakra (at the center of your chest). As you do this, say aloud:

“I choose of my own free will to receive the gift of vision. I ask for divine compassion to help me overcome resistance that would block conscious awareness of the vision. May I be shown all that can assist me in understanding my life purpose and divine destiny. According to the grace of unconditional love, so be it.”

Hold the oracle card flat between your palms so you can place your hands in prayer position with the oracle card between them. Bow your head and say:

“May divine love bring the gift of vision to all in need of inspiration, motivation, energy, and focus now. May every being manifest their divine potential. May all beings fulfill their divine destiny according to the grace of the universal heart. According to divine compassion, so be it.”

You can finish your healing process with this affirmation, said aloud three times:

“The vision of my divine destiny is bestowed upon my open mind and loving heart now. I choose to see clearly, to accept the bigger picture for my life purpose, and allow the Universe to take care of the details at the perfect time and in the perfect way.”

Blind Spot
by Teal Swan

Advanced Practice: Shadow

25: Resistance

       Listen to card description:

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The image, as explained by the guidebook: The artwork was originally painted by hand by Teal Swan while deep in trance states. Each card acts as a berth for a specific Sigil. The difference between a symbol and a Sigil is that a Sigil is not representing anything. Instead, the Sigil itself is like a body for a specific essence, entity, or Spirit. Each Sigil has the capacity to influence you (like a teacher or guide) and make you aware relative to the specific blind spot it has chosen to be assigned to. You are asked to invite the special essence of the Sigil into your life in order to help you.

  Write about any ways in which the messages in the description resonate for you, as well as how the message of resistance might be connected to the message of vision above.

  While using this set, see if you can identify when the shadow thoughts included in the card’s description come into your mind. When that happens, let your higher self comfort your ego and remind it of the truth:

  There is no need to resist because there is nothing to fear. When we live in the flow of the Universe, we receive everything we need when we need it and are carried toward our highest good, greatest happiness, and true fulfillment and satisfaction.