The themes for these sets are created using the Wild Unknown Archetypes deck, by Kim Krans. For each one, Spirit chooses cards for an aspect of Self and “Place.” If those resonate with the energy of your current life situation, you may find guidance within the set. Spirit also chooses a card for the Tool to be used during this stage of your journey, the Initiation that this stage is creating, and the aspect of Self that will develop and come forward as a result of this stage.
All aspects of Self include light and shadow sides. When an aspect of Self is the outcome, it’s expressed as the light side. It’s the emergence of the shadow side that creates a developmental stage we’re experiencing. As we work with the shadow side, we fully integrate that aspect of Self and a new aspect emerges.
It’s possible to spend lifetimes processing one aspect of Self, especially when we don’t recognize circumstances as an opportunity for spiritual development that we intentionally designed for our time on Earth. As our soul becomes stronger and more advanced, we can engage our consciousness and intention to recognize and integrate aspects of Self more easily, with less distress, and with fewer “growing pains,” which is what receiving guidance from Spirit allows us to do. That is the goal of these message sets.
Aside from the Archetype cards, there is no specific structure for these sets. All decks and pulled cards are chosen by Spirit, so the combination in each one is likely to vary considerably.