The Botswana Agate Forum: a community to discuss feedback, interpretations, and experiences with this message set
Companion Video: This video shows all cards and includes audio for each one. You can use this video for reinforcement of messages (awake or while sleeping!)
Divine Messages
For all cards: Click on any card to open the full-size image. What stands out to you about the imagery and/or message? Ask Spirit if there’s anything particular they want you to notice and then observe if anything new stands out to you. Recording these reactions in writing is highly recommended, along with anything you experience that synchronizes with the cards or brings out new insights about the imagery and/or messages.
Main themes:
- Knowing your worth shifts your perspective, frees you from anxiety and attachment to that which doesn’t serve your highest good, and allows you to move forward.
- Recognizing and prioritizing your purpose
- The process of integrating conscious awareness of your true worth is what allows you to release that which does not build you up or bring you joy and creates in you a readiness to embrace that which is truly worthy of you
- Honesty vs. distraction/denial as a contributing factor for these themes
Crystals/stones highlighted: Botswana agate, sugilite, amazonite, carnelian, peach moonstone, red jasper, snowflake obsidian, pink opal
Numbers highlighted: 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 8, 9, 17, 19, 23, 26, 36, 37, 39, 41
Overall numeric energy: 1 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 8 + 9 + (8) + (1 + 0) + (5) + (8) + (9) + (1 + 0) + (1 + 2) + (5) = 85
Angel Number 85: You were not born to suffer. Move beyond expecting a negative outcome. ~from “Angel Numbers” by Kyle Gray
(8 + 5) = (1 + 3) = 4: Represents the form-based world we live in. It stands for Earth and the physical/material world. It also represents foundation and structure. ~from “Sacred Geometry Activations” guidebook
In tarot: Foundations, discipline, work, order, stability, solidity, tangible achievement, practical attainment; things previously imagined and planned for at the 3 level begin to manifest; your foundations are stable and solid. ~from “Power Tarot” by Trish MacGregor and Phyllis Vega
Discovery (Pink from Pinkerton): “I am more than I think I am.”
A story: Life is easy for young Pink. He takes his gifts for granted until one day, he loses Petunia, the love of his life, forcing him on an inner Journey. He works hard on himself, hoping for another chance that doesn’t come. In desperation, he consults Sky God and learns that Petunia is not yet capable of receiving love. Pink recognizes that Petunia’s role in his life has been to expand his capacity to love.
Insight: In the past, you may not have been fully prepared to face facts. Being willing to take the journey regardless of the outcome will prove rewarding. Get ready to carry a commitment through to completion.
Inspiration: Are you trying to recapture a past that no longer fits? If you are presently upset or struggling with a difficult situation, you may be seeking to keep something that is far less than what you deserve.
My responses to the following ideas: Leaving the past behind, readiness for a new adventure, willingness to venture into uncharted territory, a new level of self-care, uplift, journey, commitment
Meditation: Imagine something that you are presently passionate about. Allow the feeling to well up inside you. Now begin a journey to the mountain of the Sky God. Your human worries drop away as you climb. When you reach the peak, the Sky God joins you and begins to speak. Listen carefully.
Earth Star 4: Grounding
This deck includes cards for “earth star” (below the root) and “soul star” (above the crown) chakras, and I include them as options to pull for all message sets.
This card promises guidance during a challenging time you are experiencing. If there are specific angels or ascended masters with which you resonate, look to their wisdom for guidance in resolving a current conflict or apparent impasse.
Consider the idea of nature as a temple, facilitating our connection with the Divine and Spirit.
Make an effort to connect with nature, even in small ways. Simply maintaining a conscious awareness of any aspects of nature in your daily routine will deepen your connection.
My energy is completely grounded into the healing energy of the Earth.
Affirmation:Six of Swords
Moving on, finding a safe haven. After an intense, demanding time, this harmonious Six is reassurance that you will be able to distance yourself from strife and pressure.
Finances become more manageable, you complete a demanding project at work, and in relationships, this card can show making up after a disagreement, or moving on alone after a breakup; whichever path brings you more security, serenity, and, ultimately, peace of mind.
The literal meaning of the card is travel.
In what ways does this message ring true for you? Consider the guidance throughout this message set regarding the movement away from anxiety and into stability/security. Consider what this would like for you inwardly and/or outwardly.
Affirmation: I know that peaceful times will come.
XXVI (26): Aurum – Gold
Keywords: illumination, splendor, culmination
In some wisdom traditions, gold is seen as a nectar, a sap, a honey-like substance coming from trees, bees, and even the pineal gland. Open yourself to Gold’s infinite sources.
Your gold may be entirely different from someone else’s. It is important for the Alchemist to respect their own unique journey toward a righteous and resplendent gold.
Read Robert Frost’s poem “To ponder: every path as a Noble Path
How does contribute to knowing your worth?
The mystical essence within me is the true gold.
Gate 1: Purpose
- To discover a personal, meaningful, and world-changing narrative that aligns with a sense of purpose and mission
- I am…
- To learn to love yourself enough to honor the idea that your life is the canvas and you are the artist. What you create with your life IS the contribution you give the world.
- The ability to know the authentic self and a deep connection with a life purpose.
Expression when unbalanced:
- An erratic or purposeless life, panic, and a feeling of failing at a life mission
- Pressure to create something unique in the world
- Struggle to find purpose
- Hiding because the purpose feels too big, too much, or “egotistical”
My life is an integral part of the cosmos and the divine plan. I honor my life and know that being the full expression of who I am is the purpose of my life. The more I am who I am, the more I create a frequency of energy that supports others in doing the same. I commit to exploring all of who I am.
Resiliency Keys and Further Contemplations:
- What needs to be healed, released, aligned, and brought to my awareness for me to be completely open to giving and receiving love? To make clear and strong choices? To move forward with courage and faith? To deeply and fully express my authentic identity?
- Am I fully expressing my authentic self?
- Where am I already expressing who I am?
- Where have I settled or compromised? What needs to change?
- Do I feel connected to my life purpose? What do I need to do to deepen that connection?
Shadow Work: 9 of Swords
Light aspects: nightmares, worry, feelings of depression or anxiety, insomnia, an opportunity to find courage and overcome fear with love, a time to focus on safety and the things that are going well in your life, recognition of the need to surrender to Spirit and detach from outcomes
Shadow aspects: paranoia, deeply anchored fears, inability to think clearly, inner turmoil, negative self-talk affecting self-esteem, an opportunity to actively begin the healing journey
While using this message set, observe how light or shadow aspects manifest for you. If you notice the shadow aspects coming up, provide love and reassurance to your ego. Use the affirmation below to help shift your perspective to the light aspects.
I see the things I fear as the illusions that they are.
Affirmation:Record your experiences with expression of light and/or shadow aspects and with using the affirmation and loving your ego for shifting toward light aspects. What outcomes and/or changes do you observe in yourself and the world around you?
Shadow Work: Determination
The fox has long been fabled for its ability to breach the henhouse despite the obstacles placed in its path. It is utter determination that drives the fox to achieve its target, and it is this same drive that asks you one simple question – how badly do you want it?
“I haven’t come this far to only come this far.”
Light aspects: willpower, resolve, grit, fortitude
Shadow aspects: tentative, hesitant, flimsy, irresolute
While using this message set, observe how light or shadow aspects manifest for you. If you notice the shadow aspects coming up, provide love and reassurance to your ego. Use the affirmation below to help shift your perspective to the light aspects.
I meet each new day head-on with fire in my heart, ready to tackle any challenge as it arises.
Affirmation:Record your experiences with expression of light and/or shadow aspects and with using the affirmation and loving your ego for shifting toward light aspects. What outcomes and/or changes do you observe in yourself and the world around you?
19: Eliminate distractions. Stop shining light on things you are not.
When you let go of what is taking your energy – fears, worries, self-sabotaging patterns and habits – you will regain confidence in yourself by bringing your full power back. No longer are you leaking energy or spending aspects of yourself. Pulling back energetically helps you create clear boundaries. Carve out a line for what you will and will not allow in your life. You’ve drawn this card as a reminder that you have been giving your power away by not creating clear boundaries. Have you been saying yes when you really want to say no? Have you been feeling taken advantage of, or overthinking situations in hopes that others will show up for you in the way you have for them? When you are not clear about your position, others can take advantage of you, even unknowingly, which causes rifts in your relationships. Be clear with yourself about what you need. The most kind, caring people first tend to their own needs and have clear boundaries. Because when they do, they know they can show up even more fully in the service of others.
Divine Assignment:How can I reclaim my power?
Surrender to Prayer
Give yourself over completely to prayer. When you pray from your heart, you will be heard throughout the universe – and the answers and support will arrive.
Page of Clouds: Mind
How does this message contribute to the guidance regarding the nature of anxiety and how to overcome it, which is a prevalent theme in this set?
Whenever I choose, I can drop the cloud generated by my thoughts that surrounds me and free myself for spiritual perception.
2 of Pentacles: Spin
The 2 of Pentacles symbolizes uncertainty and ambiguity. It indicates that the answer, like the two pentacles, is in the balance.
Spin is a quality of subatomic particles. The particles do not literally spin round, but have a measurable angular momentum that is an important part of quantum theory. The strange behavior of subatomic particles is reflected in the up-and-down quality of the 2 of Pentacles. Here, the energy of the twos expresses in a kind of will-they-won’t-they sense of indecision. The duality is acted out literally; we are faced with an either-or choice or we are juggling options. Everything is still up in the air, the outcome far from certain.
What are you ambivalent about?
6: Bluebell Fairy – Gratitude
The more gratitude that you have, the more bounty will fill your life. Cherish the preciousness of all things and joy will fill your life. The universe is thankful for you!
Divine and Spirit want you to know:How could cultivating gratitude help you to shift perspective and alleviate anxiety? Whatever situation is creating anxiety for you, think of some aspect of it to express gratitude about, even if it’s simply expressing faith that Spirit will use the situation to serve your highest good in a way that you can’t see yet but ultimately will.
23: Honesty
The image, as explained by the guidebook: All images are based on sacred geometry, and sacred geometry works at the soul level. It can be felt deeply, activating parts of us that are subconscious and multidimensional. The energy of the Activations interacts with your energy. Energy blocks can be dissolved and new connections can be made, allowing room for new insights and perspectives. Activations are catalysts for transformation; they are visual, multidimensional meditation tools. Through sacred geometry (color, patterns, light), Activations create a bridge between sight and soul that supports your journey inward – the growth and expansion of your consciousness. All you have to do is focus your attention on the image and allow its energy to do its magic.
The energy of Honesty supports our choice to be courageously truthful and genuine, with kindness and tact.
• Do you consider yourself an honest person? When are you dishonest? Thank of occasions when you chose not to tell the truth. Why did you make that choice?
• How do you feel about little white lies? About telling minor fibs to a stranger? To your best friend? Contemplate how it would be possible to be honest without hurting someone’s heart.
• Do you want others to tell you the truth all the time unconditionally?
How can honesty contribute to knowing your worth and overcoming anxiety?
Affirmation: I am honest.
What unwanted energies or attachments do you want to focus on releasing? If you’ve done so recently, what changes did you notice? Are there ways in which you use distraction in a way you feel may not be serving your highest good?
How does this message connect with others in this set for you? Do you find any guidance in this message that will help you to know your worth and/or overcome anxiety?
I choose connection instead of distraction so that I can hear my inner truth and realize all that I am.
solar force, action, achievement, masculine/yang energy
In balance: achieves anything, boundless energy
Out of balance: impatient, competitive
To bring into balance: reconnect to purpose
What aspects of the Cheetah personality do you see in yourself? Do they feel in balance or out of balance? How can you balance this energy?
Consider this message in conjunction with others in this set regarding purpose.
41: Nightingale – Love is all around.
Listen to any music that puts you in an optimistic or joyful mood. Sing along!
How does this message connect with others in this set for you? Does it contribute to the ideas of knowing your worth, overcoming anxiety, and/or pursuing your purpose?
Cycles: Out of chaos comes creation.
Safety: In the hurricane of life, a strong foundation will keep you safe.
A Note on Love: Seek different seasons and enter into the unknown.
When love is the focus, foundation, and goal
Blessed is the body, mind, and soul.
Daring: Find your voice and use it, nice and loud – even if it makes you feel uncomfortable. If you don’t use it now, nothing will change.
Personal Riches: Small successes are likely now and bigger ones are on the way. Finances could improve dramatically – but avoid get-rich schemes.
How could this relate to the message of Gold (above)?
Ask: It’s okay to ask for help – it’s not a sign of weakness.
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.
This is connected to the ideas expressed in the message of Mind (above)
If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!
Don’t allow anything from your past to negatively impact your understanding of your worth. Your worth can never be diminished, only obscured by clouds that you can choose to clear, as described in Mind (above).
Limitless: Know your worth.
In what ways do these “mini messages” tie together for you or apply to your life situation, specifically? How do they fit with any of the other cards above for you? How do they contribute to the guidance of this set for you?
Meditation: Always expect the best. Never let go so that something good might happen. Let go so that the very best in yourself, your soul, can merge with you.
Affirmation: I open the door to a new reality. I experience a vast landscape filled with light and extending to infinity in all directions.
Advanced Practice: Light
37: Fire and Ice
There is a beautiful silence now
As I hold your hands
And listen to your eyes
Across a span of moments called time
There are no words that say as much
Nor walls that could confine
The wings of our feelings
Or the rhythm of our eyes
~Richard Cohn
36: Sacred Rebels
This oracle comes with a message of truth for you. You are hearing something that is not being said and what you are hearing is truthful. You may feel as though you are the only one that is really ready to hear or see it! We live in a world where truth is frequently avoided out of fear of what it might reveal. At the basis of such actions – consciously or not – is a deep sense of unhealed, toxic shame. If you or someone else is fearful that the truth will expose rather than free and heal, then some personal healing is required. It is time for letting go of old wounds in favor of a greater sense of self-love and acceptance.
You are being asked to love yourself enough to honor the truth, even if you feel you are the only one doing so. Hold compassion for the truths you behold. Do not use them as knives to cut another or yourself with harshness, but as the clear inside that allows one to loosen the knots that bind, simply by knowing which thread to gently tug.
The Healing Process:
Place your hand very lightly at the front and back of your throat and say,
“I now release all vows of Silence I have ever made, consciously or not. I now release all lies, deceptions, and painful words, spoken or unspoken, that are affecting my ability to clearly know and speak my truth. I am held in unconditional love with protection and grace. So be it.”
You have finished your healing process. You might like to say something true just to anchor it. How about,
“Within me, beyond all that rises and falls, only truth remains.”
I am a truth-seeker. No matter how many times, in how many ways, or by how many tongues untruth is spoken, I know what I know in my sacred, rebellious heart.
Advanced Practice: Shadow
39: Duplicity
The image, as explained by the guidebook: The artwork was originally painted by hand by Teal Swan while deep in trance states. Each card acts as a berth for a specific Sigil. The difference between a symbol and a Sigil is that a Sigil is not representing anything. Instead, the Sigil itself is like a body for a specific essence, entity, or Spirit. Each Sigil has the capacity to influence you (like a teacher or guide) and make you aware relative to the specific blind spot it has chosen to be assigned to. You are asked to invite the special essence of the Sigil into your life in order to help you.
Write about any ways in which the messages in the description resonate for you, as well as how a sense of separateness impacts you compared to having a sense of connection. Consider this message in connection with Honesty, Sacred Truth, and other cards.
While using this set, see if you can identify when the shadow thoughts included in the card’s description come into your mind. When that happens, let your higher self comfort your ego and remind it of the truth: