Fluorite (Sacral Chakra) Messages

The Fluorite Forum: a community to discuss feedback, interpretations, and experiences with this message set

Companion Video: This video shows all cards and includes audio for each one. You can use this video for reinforcement of messages (awake or while sleeping!)

Journal Prompts
Divine Messages

For all cards: Click on any card to open the full-size image. What stands out to you about the imagery and/or message? Ask Spirit if there’s anything particular they want you to notice and then observe if anything new stands out to you. Recording these reactions in writing is highly recommended, along with anything you experience that synchronizes with the cards or brings out new insights about the imagery and/or messages.

Main themes: 

  1. The need to love and trust ourselves (and our higher self and Spirit), especially to overcome victim mentality and feelings of powerlessness
  2. Cultivating self-love and self-trust allows me to support and lift up others in a way that is healthy and empowering for all involved.
  3. Love as the center of our being
  4. You are supported by Spirit in pursuit of your dreams and purpose.

Crystals/stones highlighted: fluorite, sugilite, peach moonstone

Numbers highlighted: 1, 4, 8, 10, 17, 22, 26, 27, 29, 36, 39, 41, 51, 55, 58, 74

Overall numeric energy: 1 + 4 + 8 + (1 ) + (8) + 22 + (8) + (9) + (11) + (9) + (1 + 2) + (5) + (6) + 55 + (1 + 3) + (11) = 165

Angel Number 165: You are being guided to be open to new possibilities. ~from “Angel Numbers” by Kyle Gray

(1 + 6 + 5) = (1 + 2) = 3: Considered a catalytic number, it stands for an energy that speeds up or creates a reaction between two unrelated things without necessarily changing itself. ~from “Sacred Geometry Activations” guidebook
In tarot: Synthesis, growth, creativity, abundance, collaboration, friendship, artistic expression, refining plans, preparing to take action; unity and group activities are emphasized; refined plans set into motion at the 1 and 2 levels; initial achievement of your goals. ~from “Power Tarot” by Trish MacGregor and Phyllis Vega

Chakra Wisdom
by Tori Hartman

Self-Worth: “Come sit in my chair and feel my love,” says the Great Servant.

A story: The Salmon Chair appears to an Inuit child playing in the snow. Valley and River are the Salmon Chair’s protectors. “I never get to see it,” complains River. Valley whispers, “There are those who can close their eyes and see it.” The child rushes home to tell her elders about the chair, but no one believes her and she lies down, exhausted. Later, the chair appears to her again. She climbs in and feels the Great Servant’s love.

Insight: The Salmon Chair represents the embrace of Divine love and is the color of deep emotional peace. You have been given a gift of self-love. This card indicates a love of life and no longer trying to prove your value to others who may not see what you see. Rely on your inner knowing.

Inspiration: People, events, and material objects beyond your frame of reference are being drawn to you. Aim higher, for you will draw even greater experiences into your life. Allow your energy to grow. Receiving is an action.

Personal Inquiry: How do I relate to the word “deserving”? Am I ready to allow myself to receive what others may not? My responses to the following ideas: greater knowledge, innocent curiosity, being rewarded, receiving divine love, faith, self-love, value

Meditation: Let go of any tension as you fall like a feather into the Salmon Chair. Imagine the chair receiving you. Feel yourself being filled with Salmon light. Stay there until you have received an abundance of energy from the light.

Chakra Reading Cards
by Rachelle Charman

Soul Star 36: Divine Wisdom 

This deck includes cards for “earth star” (below the root) and “soul star” (above the crown) chakras, and I include them as options to pull for all message sets.

       Listen to card description:

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Trusting the answers and guidance you find by connecting with your heart (higher self) begins as an act of trust. The outcomes affirm the wisdom, however, and as the evidence grows, so does our confidence.

There may still be times when we’re not certain we’re hearing or interpreting with clarity and then we may seek guidance from outside ourselves, but we’ll still be using our inner guidance and wisdom to discern who or what to consult, as well as listening to how our higher self and Spirit respond to any guidance we receive from external sources. We learn from experience that prioritizing the approval of our higher self and Spirit propels us toward success and happiness much more effectively than seeking the approval of other people.

Explore your experiences with seeking answers and guidance outside of yourself vs within yourself. While using this set, try to stay aware and notice how this theme is expressed in your life.

Affirmation: I am aligned with the Divine Wisdom of the universe and it flows through me in abundance.


Crystal Power Tarot
by Jayne Wallace

Eight of Swords

Restriction, fear, and negative thinking. This Eight often signifies feeling trapped and powerless. However, you may unknowingly be sabotaging yourself by taking on the role of victim.

It may be time to reclaim your power by examining the causes of the situation rather than accepting your position; you can think your way out of this now and make a change.

An additional meaning of this card is being with someone who is emotionally unavailable, so the relationship becomes a test.

In what ways does this message resonate with you? How could the two cards above be applied as a solution to the energy of the cards? Also consider whether you may be the someone who is emotionally unavailable to yourself.

Affirmation: I release myself from self-inflicted binds


Wild Unknown Alchemy
by Kim Krans

LVIII (58): The Golden Rose

       Listen to card description:

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Keywords: the secret, the altar, the gem

  Reflect on yourself as the golden rose, your Divine nature as the secret hidden at the center, and drawing increasingly closer to Spirit and that precious secret as the blooming process. How does this affect the themes expressed in the cards above?

  Listen to Patti Smith’s “Mother Rose”

  I am a beautiful being, even the aspects that I don’t know or fully understand.

Quantum Human Design
by Karen Curry Parker

Gate 27: Accountability


  • To care without over-caring
  • To allow others to assume responsibility for their own challenges and choices
  • To learn to accept that other people have their own values
  • To not let guilt cause you to compromise what is good and right for you


  • The ability to support, nurture, and lift others up
  • To sense and to act on what is necessary to increase the wellbeing of others and the world
  • To “feed” people with healthy food and healthy nourishment to ensure that they thrive
  • To hold others accountable for their own self-love and self-empowerment

Expression when unbalanced:

  • Co-dependency
  • Guilt
  • Over-caring
  • Martyrdom

  I have a nurturing and loving nature. It is my gift to be able to love and care for others. I know that the greatest expression of my love is to treat others as capable and powerful. I support when necessary, and I let go with love so that my loved ones can discover their own strength and power.

  Resiliency Keys and Further Contemplations:

  • What needs to be healed, released, aligned, and brought to my awareness for me to make clear and strong choices? To move forward with courage and faith? To avoid or heal from burnout? To feel powerful in this situation?
  • Am I taking responsibility for things that aren’t mine to be responsible for? Whose problem is it? Can I return the responsibility for the problem back to its rightful owner?
  • What role does guilt play in motivating me? Can I let go of the guilt? What different choices would I make if I didn’t feel guilty? 
  • What obligations do I need to set down in order for me to take better care of myself?
  • Are there places where I need to soften my judgements on other people’s values? 

Light Seer’s Tarot
by Chris-Anne

Shadow Work: 4 of Pentacles

       Listen to card description:

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Light aspects: stability, savings, success, generosity, accepting your worth, being in flow with the Universe, feelings of gratitude, helping others in times of need

Shadow Aspects: hoarding, coveting, lack mentality, placing too much value on money, a need to be more charitable

While using this message set, observe how light or shadow aspects manifest for you. If you notice the shadow aspects coming up, provide love and reassurance to your ego. Use the affirmation below to help shift your perspective to the light aspects.

  Affirmation: I live an abundant life and I have more than I need.

  Record your experiences with expression of light and/or shadow aspects and with using the affirmation and loving your ego for shifting toward light aspects. What outcomes and/or changes do you observe in yourself and the world around you?

When My Soul Whispered
by Melissa Selvaggio

Shadow Work: Emotion

       Listen to card description:

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The hydrangea blooms in a variety of colors, the hue of each plant being determined by the alkalinity or acidity of the soil in which it is planted. Adjustments to the environment in which you plant yourself will enable you to adapt your emotions accordingly.

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness.”
                                                                                      ~Robert Frost

Light aspects: feel, allow, embrace, express

Shadow aspects: avoid, neglect, disregard, overlook

While using this message set, observe how light or shadow aspects manifest for you. If you notice the shadow aspects coming up, provide love and reassurance to your ego. Use the affirmation below to help shift your perspective to the light aspects.

  Affirmation: I flow through my emotions as they fluctuate, allowing myself to experience each one with love and gratitude.

  Record your experiences with expression of light and/or shadow aspects and with using the affirmation and loving your ego for shifting toward light aspects. What outcomes and/or changes do you observe in yourself and the world around you?

Unshakable Inner Peace
by Shannon Kaiser

39: You are the truth Seeker. Awakening. Actualizing. Transcending.

       Listen to card description:

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  Divine Assignment: If you feel as if this new reality is not yet here, worry not: this card reminds you that you are awakening right now, and self-actualization will set you free. Keep doing the work, discovering new life truths, and following your heart’s pull. Your transcendence is transforming you. You have learned, seen, experienced, and grown too much to go back. Welcome to the real you. Relax into your new awareness, for your soul has been craving this arrival. Enjoy the transformation and awakening.

How can I invite more grace to guide me?

Power of Surrender
by Judith Orloff, MD

Surrender Worry


  Make a commitment to not lead an anxiety-driven life. When worries arise, breathe them out of your body. Focus on the power of your heart and have faith that Spirit is guiding you always.

Osho Zen Tarot
by Osho and Ma Deva Padma

XVII (17): Silence

       Listen to card description:

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  Consider this message in the context of the message received with your “Divine Wisdom” card above.


Quantum Tarot
by Lo Scarabeo

X (10): Wheel of Fortune, Quantum Mechanics

The Wheel represents the cycles of fate or chance. Timing is all; be prepared when the Wheel turns in your favor.

Quantum mechanics is an attempt to explain the seemingly paradoxical nature of the subatomic world. There is a fundamental difference between two types of phenomena: waves and particles. A particle can only occupy a single space at any single instant in time. Waves on the other hand are spread out in space, like waves of water across a sea. They cannot be pinned down to a particular place and are described in terms of size and frequency (like radio waves).

But at the subatomic level, this difference between waves and particles does not apply. Subatomic particles sometimes behave like particles and sometimes like waves, depending on how they’re observed. For example, light behaves like a wave when two light sources overlap. The two light waves interfere with each other, producing “ripples,” or interference phenomena, like overlapping ripples of water in a pond.

However, as Einstein pointed out, light can also behave like a stream of tiny particles – photons. He proved this in his explanation of the photoelectric effect (an electric current induced by shining light on a metal plate). This can only be possible if light is a stream of particles that hit the surface of the metal, agitating and dislodging electrons to form the electric current.

What does all this have to do with the Wheel of Fortune? Well, quantum mechanics introduced the language of chance and probability into physics. One can only claim that a subatomic particle has the probability of being in a particular place at a particular time – but no more.

Outside physics, the concepts of chance and probability are nothing new. The Wheel is familiar to us in many guises, from the ancient Roman goddess Fortuna to the roulette wheel. It is a symbol of how perceived outside forces such as fate or luck appear to determine the course of our lives. 

But perhaps there is another alternative. Even if we feel cursed by bad circumstances, we still have choices. Why not step off the wheel altogether? We can decide whether to approach life as a victim of chance, spun around by the wheel like a sock in a washing machine, or take a big leap of awareness and get off the merry-go-round.

  If we think of incarnating as getting on the merry-go-round, then we’re all in for the duration of the ride. Contemplate the differing experiences of someone standing in the center of the spinning wheel vs. someone hanging onto the edge.

  What opportunity is spinning in your direction?

Sacred Forest
by Denise Linn

1: Air Spirit – Knowledge

       Listen to card description:

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  Divine and Spirit say: Inhale. Take a moment to think things through. Think as well as feel the right direction. Get clarity and become focused before stepping forth. Take care to have thoughtful communication with others.

29: Healing

The image, as explained by the guidebook: All images are based on sacred geometry, and sacred geometry works at the soul level. It can be felt deeply, activating parts of us that are subconscious and multidimensional. The energy of the Activations interacts with your energy. Energy blocks can be dissolved and new connections can be made, allowing room for new insights and perspectives. Activations are catalysts for transformation; they are visual, multidimensional meditation tools. Through sacred geometry (color, patterns, light), Activations create a bridge between sight and soul that supports your journey inward – the growth and expansion of your consciousness. All you have to do is focus your attention on the image and allow its energy to do its magic.

       Listen to card description:

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The frequency of healing supports our intrinsic ability to restore our health and wholeness by consciously using the information that comes to us through our senses and harmonizing everything accordingly.

  Contemplate your state of health for a moment. Are you as healthy as you want to be? What are you doing to contribute to greater health? Do you realize that your health does not just refer to the state of your physical body? Do you invest in your emotional and spiritual health as well? How do you do this?

  Take time to lovingly attend to yourself.

Sacred Earth
by Toni Carmine Salerno


       Listen to card description:

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  Consider this message in the context of the message received with your “Golden Rose” card above.


by Yasmin Boland

Full Moon in Taurus

       Listen to card description:

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Main meaning: Your dreams need a practical plan.

Additional possible meanings:

  • Laziness could explain your current situation. Own that and change it!
  • Chasing money doesn’t work – you need to chase a dream.
  • Jealousy or envy create negative energy and attract negativity.
  • More exercise is called for.

  Write down 10 things that you know are wonderful about you


Spirit Animal
by Colette Baron Reid

41: Nightingale – Love is all around.

       Listen to card description:

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  Listen to any music that puts you in an optimistic or joyful mood. Sing along!

Fertility: Let your life burst forth from the seeds of creation.

Be fierce. Be brave. Do things that challenge you. Search for your own sacred grail.

Lovers Oracle
by Toni Carmine Salerno

Wait! Don’t rush into it. Allow nature to take its course.

Star Seeds
by Nari Anastarsia

Freedom: Follow your heart and nurture your soul with love and freedom to grow.


Anthony’s Call: In thanks of my spirit safe and sound: All things that are lost so can be found. (Anthony is the patron saint of those seeking something lost).

Divine Directions
by Jade-Sky

Birth: This is a time of new beginnings. Embrace the new life with open arms.

Star Light
by Jessica Le

Take Charge: Don’t wait for the stars to align, reach up and arrange them the way you want.

Take Charge vs. Wait

You can take charge without taking action. Following the guidance in the message set, for instance, is a way to align the stars for yourself and co-create favorable outcomes. Often, the best thing we can do ourselves is to focus on developing our spiritual connection and be receptive as Spirit guides us toward that which serves our highest good. Consider also the message of the Air Spirit card, which speaks of taking charge by thinking things through before taking action rather than acting impulsively.

Consider how each of these ideas apply in your current life situation.

Promises to Bless Your Soul

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved.”

We can think of “righteous” as living in alignment with our higher self and Spirit.

Meditation: Once you realize the central role you play in creating your life, you will embrace every day as a new world. Renewal is effortless and spontaneous.

Meditations and Affirmations
by Deepak Chopra, MD

Affirmation: I am the sender and receiver of reality. I meet myself in an unbroken embrace.

Journey of Love
by Alana Fairchild
Sacred Rebels
by Alana Fairchild


Advanced Practice: Light

51: Dream a Little

       Listen to card description:

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From unexpected meetings
We talked and shared our lifetime
A gentle peaceful quiet time
Reflected in our smile.

We winged our way to distant places
And walked along remembered faces
Of lives we knew
We lived sometime before.

And like a bud about to flower
Having reached its appointed hour
We watch ourselves begin to open
In the warm touch of spring.

~Richard Cohn

26: Relax the Hold of Darkness and Be at Cause

       Listen to card description:

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  The Healing Process:

(You can replace any of the entities addressed in these prayers with the terms that are the most meaningful to you.)

Say: I accept the offer of life so that I may truly live. Through unconditional love I now invite and receive all assistance, intervention, protection, and inspiration so that I may leap into my next cycle of life, held in the loving grace of wisdom. So be it.

You may now like to take an actual jump for joy to finish your healing process!

Blind Spot
by Teal Swan

Advanced Practice: Shadow

74: Means to an End Attitude

       Listen to card description:

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  Ask yourself: what do I really want? What am I currently doing in order to get what I want? What are the ways that I am doing what I don’t want in order to get what I do want? Am I making choices or behaving in ways that aren’t alignment with my higher self and, therefore, cannot be justified by achieving a desired outcome? Am I trying to get something my ego thinks it wants that reflects a need that my higher self can meet in a way that both will find much more satisfying than whatever I’m currently doing?