Turquoise (Throat Chakra) Messages

The Turquoise Forum: a community to discuss feedback, interpretations, and experiences with this message set

Companion Video: This video shows all cards and includes audio for each one. You can use this video for reinforcement of messages (awake or while sleeping!)

Journal Prompts
Divine Messages

For all cards: Click on any card to open the full-size image. What stands out to you about the imagery and/or message? Ask Spirit if there’s anything particular they want you to notice and then observe if anything new stands out to you. Recording these reactions in writing is highly recommended, along with anything you experience that synchronizes with the cards or brings out new insights about the imagery and/or messages.

Main themes: 

  1. There is a conflict or apparent impasse for which resolution is desired – this can either be internal or external
  2. This resolution can best be achieved by embracing yin energy, forgiveness, love and willingness to hear from others
  3. In this conflict, the outcome that serves our highest good is best achieved by using our voice in receptive love rather than defensive action
  4. Listening is an important aspect of a healthy throat chakra because it allows us to speak authentically rather than self-destructively
  5. Opening your mind to a new perspective and changed approach will bring about spiritual transformation for you, which is the purpose this struggle is serving in your life

Crystals/stones highlighted: turquoise, sugilite, amazonite, carnelian, peach moonstone, red jasper, lapis lazuli, seraphinite, aqua aura quartz

Numbers highlighted: 2, 9, 9, 10, 11, 16, 18, 21, 29, 33, 33, 34, 42, 43

Overall numeric energy: 2 + 9 + 9 + (1) + 11 + (7) + (9) + (3) + (11) + 33 + 33 + (7) + (6) + (7) = 148

Angel Number 148: Your angels can only help you experience miracles if you believe they are possible. Know that miracles are possible and intended for you. ~from “Angel Numbers” by Kyle Gray

(1 + 4 + 8) = (1 + 3) = 4: Represents the form-based world we live in. It stands for Earth and the physical/material world. It also represents foundation and structure. ~from “Sacred Geometry Activations” guidebook
In tarot: Foundations, discipline, work, order, stability, solidity, tangible achievement, practical attainment; things previously imagined and planned for at the 3 level begin to manifest; your foundations are stable and solid. ~from “Power Tarot” by Trish MacGregor and Phyllis Vega

Chakra Wisdom
by Tori Hartman

Vanity (Aqua): “I need more, better, bigger. Yes, that will make me okay.”

A story: Crystal, Peter, and Mike are at a party in Mike’s posh home, toasting success in their business. A mysterious old man appears and asks them whether they prefer gluttony or generosity. Puzzled, none of them answers. He reminds them that more does not mean better, and they laugh. Suddenly, they are alone, far from the party, in rising water. “We’re getting more!” cries Peter. Rain falls and the water rises faster. “Play!” shouts Crystal. “We must do well with what we have.” As they begin to have fun in the water, the rain stops.

Insight: The tenuous balance between what is true in our heart and what we communicate is reflected in this story. Are you living and communicating your truth [alethinos; authenticity] or just playing along? This may be a time of awakening to a new way of being. Be aware of distractions that may pull you away from the true you.

Inspiration: We all say we will stop when we have enough, but there’s never enough. You may be looking outside yourself for validation.

Personal Inquiry: Am I feeling disconnected from any people in my life? Am I growing away from limiting relationships? My responses to the following ideas: environmental tension, living in illusion, self-doubt, power to change, lesser companions, empty conversations, faith, awareness, transformation.

Meditation: Visualize an aqua light within you. Imagine people you love surrounding you. Feel the light building and spilling onto your loved ones. Send gratitude to those you love and those you have yet to meet. Bless them all. Notice the energy and any messages that you receive.

Chakra Reading Cards
by Rachelle Charman

33: Soul Star – Angels and Masters

This deck includes cards for “earth star” (below the root) and “soul star” (above the crown) chakras, and I include them as options to pull for all message sets.

       Listen to card description:

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This card promises guidance during a challenging time you are experiencing. If there are specific angels or ascended masters with which you resonate, look to their wisdom for guidance in resolving a current conflict or apparent impasse.

  Write about any ascended masters or angels with which you feel connected. If no one comes to mind, try researching which masters or angels are associated with the type of energy you feel would be helpful to you now and ask them for guidance. Ask Spirit to help you with your search.

  Take a moment each day to go within and connect with the masters and/or angels you’ve identified above. Ask for guidance and resolution, and give your stress and anxiety over to them. Trust that the healing and answers are forthcoming.

Affirmation: Angels and masters guide my way with love, truth, and integrity.

Crystal Power Tarot
by Jayne Wallace

Nine of Swords

Anxiety, worry, and doubt. Nines are cards of accumulation, and they signify intensity. In the suit of Swords, with its element of air and the mind, this intensity is usually read as anxiety.

You may be overthinking a specific situation and worrying about negative outcomes, or feel overwhelmed with random anxiety about the future. In one sense, the card symbolizes an awakening to something painful that needs to be processed.

In readings, the card can also indicate insomnia, nightmares, and anything that disturbs your peace.

In what ways does this message ring true for you? How do you feel about the idea that overcoming this struggle will require a change that ignites a spiritual transformation for you and, therefore, serves your highest good? Can some part of you have faith in this truth, even in the midst of suffering?

Affirmation: I trust the present moment.


Wild Unknown Alchemy
by Kim Krans

XXXIII (33): Ash

       Listen to card description:

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Keywords: memory, ancestors, the past

The ash card is subtle but powerful, affecting the entire reading. Envision it as an ashen layer covering all other cards and shifting their meaning.

Fire is a great equalizer. Do not take this card personally, but rather as a call to be present and kind to yourself and others as we navigate the challenge of letting go.

  Read “A Morning Poem” by Mary Oliver

  A lot of cards in this set indicate a challenge you’re facing. How does the message of this card play into that idea? Or, how does this message help you to consider a change in perspective when considering solutions?

Reflect on the idea of “letting go” in terms of mindsets, assumptions, or habits that create conflict with a person or in a situation rather than letting go of the person or situation. Sometimes, letting go of what’s internal is far more challenging than letting go of what’s external…and prevents far more opportunity for spiritual growth.

  I soften into the energy of letting go and seek to release the burden on my heart through forgiveness. I believe that even if things are not made right in this lifetime, everything will be made clear and right at the Cast Party.

Quantum Human Design
by Karen Curry Parker

Gate 21: Self-regulation


  • To learn to let go
  • To master self-regulation
  • To release the need to control others and circumstances
  • To trust in the Divine and to know that you are supported
  • To know that you are worthy of support and you don’t have to overcompensate


  • The ability to regulate your inner and outer environment in order to sustain a vibrational frequency that reflects your true value
  • The ability to be self-generous and to set boundaries that maintain your value and support you in being sustainable in the world
  • To take the actions necessary to honor your unique role in the Divine plan 

Expression when unbalanced:

  • Feeling the need to control life, others, resources, etc. out of fear that you aren’t worthy of being supported

  I am worthy of claiming, protecting, and defending my right place in the world. I create an inner and outer environment that is self-generous and I regulate my environment to sustain a high frequency of alignment with my true value. I know that I am an irreplaceable and precious part of the Divine plan and I create my life to reflect the importance of my right place in the world.

  Resiliency Keys and Further Contemplations:

  • What needs to be healed, released, aligned, and brought to my awareness for me to fully acknowledge and embrace my true value? To prevent or heal from burnout? To feel powerful in this situation?
  • Where do I need to release control in my life?
  • Do I trust the Universe/Divine/Spirit?
  • Do I value myself? Do I trust that I’ll be supported in accordance with my value? 
  • What do I need to do to create an internal and external environment of self-generosity?
  • How does this card provide insight into a current conflict/impasse, as well as guidance for overcoming the challenge?

Light Seer’s Tarot
by Chris-Anne

Shadow Work: 2 of Swords

       Listen to card description:

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Light aspects: stalemate, a crossroads, making a difficult choice, opposing ideas or options, choosing the best route of action, memory and thought [consider the message of “Ash” above]

Shadow aspects: a difficult choice, confusion, the angst of the unknown, between a rock and a hard place, fear of commitment

While using this message set, observe how light or shadow aspects manifest for you. If you notice the shadow aspects coming up, provide love and reassurance to your ego. Use the affirmation below to help shift your perspective to the light aspects.

  Affirmation: When blinded by the unknown, I can trust myself to move toward the light.

  Record your experiences with expression of light and/or shadow aspects and with using the affirmation and loving your ego for shifting toward light aspects. What outcomes and/or changes do you observe in yourself and the world around you? How does the energy of this card reflect a current conflict/impasse as well as potential guidance for overcoming the challenge and the energy of 9 of Swords (above)? 

When My Soul Whispered
by Melissa Selvaggio

Shadow Work: Understanding

       Listen to card description:

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The bluebell is a sweet little flower that reminds you of the importance of appreciating the small things in life in order to value the big things.

I want everyone to know, you don’t have to find out you’re dying to start living.
                                                                                      ~Zach Sobiech

Light aspects: notice, consent, accept, recognize

Shadow aspects: reject, ignore, deny, disregard

While using this message set, observe how light or shadow aspects manifest for you. If you notice the shadow aspects coming up, provide love and reassurance to your ego. Use the affirmation below to help shift your perspective to the light aspects.

  Affirmation: I move toward each new day with a grateful heart, a courageous spirit, and a desire to touch the lives of everyone I meet.

  Record your experiences with expression of light and/or shadow aspects and with using the affirmation and loving your ego for shifting toward light aspects. What outcomes and/or changes do you observe in yourself and the world around you?

Unshakable Inner Peace
by Shannon Kaiser

43: Rest, renew, recharge.

       Listen to card description:

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  Divine Assignment: Start to see your body as a friend who supports you, cares deeply for you, and loves you. Be gentle and calm and speak kindly to your body. Love the body you are in and listen to its guidance; when you do, you’ll watch it flourish and heal. Taking time to rest, sleep, and meditate is a form of therapy. Your body craves this, so allow yourself to recharge. Consider going on a digital detox – unplug, go into nature, and meditate on your feelings. Take this time to develop a sacred, special place and be intentional with solitude. This is a forced pause in your life for a grand reason: the opportunity to gather yourself. In this pause and rest, you’re being called to come home. To find wholeness within.

What does my body crave and need right now?

Power of Surrender
by Judith Orloff, MD

Surrender Defensiveness


  Defensiveness is a sign of weakness. To communicate in a more empowered way, stay centered and hear someone out – then offer a clear, undefensive response.

[This is very synchronistic with the throat chakra theme and the many messages of guidance for conflict resolution in this set.]


Osho Zen Tarot
by Osho and Ma Deva Padma

Page of Clouds: Mind

       Listen to card description:

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  Consider this message as it relates to the 2 and 9 of swords (above).

  Whenever I choose, I can drop the cloud generated by my thoughts that surrounds me and free myself for spiritual perception.

Quantum Tarot
by Lo Scarabeo

XVIII – The Moon: Extra Dimensions

The moon represents dreams, visions, and hallucinations, the strange, frightening realm beneath the conscious mind.

If string theory is correct, all fundamental particles in the universe are comprised of tiny loops or strings that vibrate at different frequencies. The early versions of string theory suggested that strings have only one dimension, but superstring theory proposes that strings might vibrate in ten dimensions. Apart from the three ordinary dimensions of space and one of time, the theory claims that the other six dimensions are curled up, compressed into a very tiny space. The strings wind themselves around these curled up dimensions like a kind of cosmic cat’s cradle.

These inaccessible extra dimensions are like the extra dimensions of our lives; hints, hunches, movements out of the corner of our eye. The Moon represents this realm of the mysterious and the unfamiliar, which is often fearful to those who like everything clearly explained. The Moon shows up when the indefinable starts demanding attention in our consciousness – and to the conscious mind [or ego] this can seem like a threat.

What fearful mystery am I drawn to explore? Does it hold the key to resolving my present predicament? 

Peace Pipe

       Listen to card description:

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  Divine and Spirit want you to know: In native traditions, sharing a peace pipe, filled with sacred tobacco and herbs, was a way of finding common ground and dropping discord. It was a respite in order to calmly assess the situation and find a peaceful resolution. There are times to drop everything and leave; there are also times to carefully mend bridges with people, situations, and places. This is one of those healing times. Maybe there is a wound inside you that needs to be forgiven or accepted. Maybe you need to forgive yourself or forgive another. Transform the inner grievance. Do it now. You don’t need to forgive the act, but there’s power in forgiving the person. You no longer need to carry it with you. Perhaps there is a person from your past with whom you should reconnect. You know what you need to do. This is the time to do it.

  Write down the answer to these questions: if there was an area of my life to which I need to bring peace, what might it be? What’s the first step that I need to take toward resolving a rift with another or a feeling unfinished regarding a person or situation? What nuance does this message give to the other guidance received in this set for overcoming your specific challenge? Consider the synchronicities between this card and Ash (above).

  Affirmation: I no longer need to carry this burden. I am a Mender. I bring peace to the world.

16: Divine Feminine

The image, as explained by the guidebook: All images are based on sacred geometry, and sacred geometry works at the soul level. It can be felt deeply, activating parts of us that are subconscious and multidimensional. The energy of the Activations interacts with your energy. Energy blocks can be dissolved and new connections can be made, allowing room for new insights and perspectives. Activations are catalysts for transformation; they are visual, multidimensional meditation tools. Through sacred geometry (color, patterns, light), Activations create a bridge between sight and soul that supports your journey inward – the growth and expansion of your consciousness. All you have to do is focus your attention on the image and allow its energy to do its magic.

       Listen to card description:

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[This deck uses “feminine” and “masculine” to describe the concepts of “yin” and “yang,” which represent a cyclic duality, similar to the waning/waxing moon, winter/summer seasons, night/day, etc. They’re all just words, but I personally find that the nongendered terms make more sense as far as understanding messages from Spirit without unintended connotations or implications. In the audio reading, the description of the ways in which the “masculine” and feminine” need the other is not a reference to biology. It’s an explanation of how both energies are necessary for wholeness and the ability to engage fully in each phase of a cycle in order to achieve our desired outcomes.

In a relationship, if one partner has stronger yin and one has stronger yang, then they can balance each other out in a mutually beneficial partnership of loving interdependence. Still, every individual benefits from balancing their yin and yang energy because that allows us to flow with the cyclic nature of existence. This is just another aspect of integration. The balance and interdependence in the relationship described above are most beneficial to both people when used as a foundation for both individuals to develop their own internal balance, which increases the stability of the relationship, especially when challenges arise and the shadow aspects of these energies are more likely to manifest.

I left the title of the card as written by the author, as well as the audio reading and written material from the guidebook, but feel free to substitute terms with which you resonate. The message here fits is along the same lines as Peace Pipe (above) and Revolution, Brown Bear Spirit, and the Lovers Oracle (below).]

The frequency of the Divine Feminine supports our soft, receptive, and nurturing side, facilitating our intuition and intrinsic understanding of our connection to the Cosmos.

Are you in touch with your feminine side? How does it express itself? How do you feel about things that are considered masculine? Do nongendered terms like yin/yang evoke different responses from you toward this energetic duality? In what ways do you think yin energy will help you resolve your current challenge and ultimately express yourself more authentically? Is there a way that employing yin energy would mean a change in the approach you’ve been using?

  Affirmation: I am yin and I am yang. I am equally powerful in all energetic phases. I use yin or yang energy according to what serves my highest good and follow Spirit’s guidance to choose wisely.

Sacred Earth
by Toni Carmine Salerno


       Listen to card description:

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  Do I compare myself with others? Do I form personal expectations according to others’ seasons rather than my own? What markers have I noticed for identifying my own seasons? How can I be more conscious of my personal cycles and changing needs?

  It is neither too soon nor too late to claim my life for myself. This is my journey, my time, and my season to shine!

Sacred Forest
by Denise Linn

29: Phoenix – Transmutation

       Listen to card description:

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  Does this message change your perspective on and/or feelings about your current challenge? Consider the synchronicities between this card and Divine Alchemy (below).

  Spirit says: A big change is at hand in your life. What feels like an ending is really a beginning. Rising out of the flames and ashes [Ash card!], you are entering a new cycle. Even if life seems murky in areas, this is only the clearing before a rebirth. Hang in there. The best is yet to come!

  The best is yet to come!

Spirit Animal
by Colette Baron Reid

9: Brown Bear Spirit – Take time out

       Listen to card description:

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  Consider this message as expanding on the guidance in Divine Feminine (above) and a remedy for the Nine of Swords (above).

  What is mine will never be withheld from me, so I really can relax and wait until the next right action is revealed.

Chakra Love
by Katie Manekshaw

Out of chaos comes creation.

Expression: Express your true self; the world needs you.

Lovers Oracle
by Toni Carmine Salerno

Life is a series of constantly shifting cycles. When we resist change, we resist the natural flow of life and create unnecessary stress. Go with the flow – you will be surprised where it leads.

Jude’s song: A reminder for even the most hopeless of lost cases
You can find peace within the strangest of places.(St. Jude is the patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes).

Secret gnomes: Deep in the Welsh forests, gnomes peek out from the groves of their secret space. They cheer gleefully while you walk with determined, passionate peace. Carry a seraphinite crystal to help guide you along your spiritual journey and to contact nature spirits.

Star Light
by Jessica Le

New Horizons: Old ways won’t open new doors.

Divine Directions
by Jade-Sky

Abundance: Great news is heading your way! Abundance is coming to you in many forms.

Aboriginal Dreaming Totems
by Mel Brown

Decisions: It’s your decision whether you keep this up or let it go, but continuing will not change the circumstances or the outcome.

Words of Jesus

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.”

  Consider the many synchronicities these “mini messages” have with each other and the other cards in this set, above and below. Do you feel like clear guidance is taking shape for you regarding your current challenge? Why or why not?

Meditation: You are constantly advancing into new regions of the soul.

Meditations and Affirmations
by Deepak Chopra, MD

Affirmation: For every new step I take, my body follows.

Journey of Love
by Alana Fairchild
Crystal Mandala
by Alana Fairchild

Advanced Practice: Light

34: Becoming

       Listen to card description:

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Take heed my friend for time is ticking fast
Illusion grand in hopes this dream will last
Such memories we keep for days to come
A looking-glass that only shows what’s done

It would be sad to think there’s nothing more
A well-worn path reflecting what’s in store
God’s gift was not that days would be the same
Each dawn’s first light would sing a fresh refrain

Of light and cloud to bathe the earth’s surprise
With change afoot to stop would be unwise
A pallet rich awaits the artist’s brush
Creating life at one with God’s soft touch

~Richard Cohn

24: Divine Alchemy

       Listen to card description:

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We bring you the blessing of divine alchemy. Divine alchemy is the art of transmutation, the application of spiritual consciousness to physical form, so profound that an entirely new form evolves. It is irreversible change. It is the coal transformed into the diamond, the lead of sleeping matter awakened into the radiant gold of consciousness. Successful alchemical transformation requires patience, courage, and a belief in the power of Spirit above all else. The radical and permanent transformation effected by divine alchemy may seem miraculous to the outsider viewing the changed form; yet the alchemist knows that when spiritual consciousness meets physical matter, the world will never be the same again.

  Explore the many synchronicities between this message and the rest of this set, especially Phoenix, as well as its impact on your perspective regarding your current challenge.

  The Healing Process:

(You can replace any of the entities addressed in these prayers with the terms that are the most meaningful to you.)

To integrate this guidance, you may like to say this invocation now:

“I call upon the Crystal Angel of Aqua Aura Quartz and Ascended Master Mary Magdalene who love me unconditionally. Thank you for the healing blessing of divine alchemy. May I be gifted with unassailable faith in the complete healing transformation possible with higher consciousness. May that which has become damaged be repaired. May the consciousness that has become diminished be revived into unconditional love. May all divine alchemists that serve unconditional love be empowered, supported, sustained, inspired, and motivated in their work until they manifest the divine potential seeking to be liberated through their service. Through divine will and my own free will, so be it.”

If you wish to further integrate this guidance, print out the image of the oracle card and hold it with the mandala image facing inwards at the throat chakra (at the lower neck, at the base of your throat). You may like to hold the card horizontally rather than vertically if this feels more comfortable. Relax and breathe in and out several times.

Then say aloud:

“I choose of my own free will, through this and any lifetime, and through all layers of my entire being, to release any doubt or fear of my ability to know and embody higher consciousness. I choose to place unconditional trust in the loving transformational power of consciousness and cultivate my own awareness daily, aligning it into unconditional love. May the blessing of divine alchemy restore my physical reality into absolute alignment with divine will and unconditional love. May all divine alchemists be so empowered that together, we can create heaven on Earth for all. Through divine grace and unconditional love, so be it.”

Hold the oracle card flat between your palms so you can place your hands in prayer position with the oracle card between them.

Bow your head and say:

“May divine alchemy prevail and restore all of creation to its authentic shining glory. According to divine compassion and in service to the great divine plan of love unfolding, so be it.”

You can finish your healing process with this affirmation, said aloud three times:

Through my surrendered service, divine alchemy heels and transforms me and my world.”

Blind Spot
by Teal Swan

Advanced Practice: Shadow

42: Others See It, You Don’t

       Listen to card description:

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The image, as explained by the guidebook: The artwork was originally painted by hand by Teal Swan while deep in trance states. Each card acts as a berth for a specific Sigil. The difference between a symbol and a Sigil is that a Sigil is not representing anything. Instead, the Sigil itself is like a body for a specific essence, entity, or Spirit. Each Sigil has the capacity to influence you (like a teacher or guide) and make you aware relative to the specific blind spot it has chosen to be assigned to. You are asked to invite the special essence of the Sigil into your life in order to help you.

  Consider this message in the context of all the messages in this set. Does it possibly add a missing element? Have any of the above messages echoed something that a person or people you trust has said to you that you previously disregarded? 

  Think of people you trust to ask for their perspective, observations, and/or advice. Write it down and spend some time considering how it would change things if what they’re seeing is accurate.